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Use our Roadmap Series - starting with our Roadmap for Building
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Roadmap for Building

Build your new home with the approach that you'd take, if you had already done it over 100 times.

  • Set your budged
  • Pick your land considering all important factors
  • Design your house like an expert (not an architect!)
  • Think outside the box - at the right time and place
Get our roadmap for building
Available PDF format

Build: Where to start?

If you're planning to take on a major building project, there are lots of things to consider before you start on site. Get a clear idea of ​​your priorities from the outset for a successful result

  • Set a budget based on finances
  • Make a list of needs/wants/nice to have
  • Pick preferred area option 1,2,3
  • Chicken or Egg? What comes first? Builder or Design?
  • Finding the right person to speak to
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Build: Where to start
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5 Rules to Revolutionize Your Building: A Guide from Building Atlas

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