My new podcast
Mar 29, 2021

My new podcast

Today we talk with Daniel Hummans, cofounder of Go Nimbly & revenue operations industry expert, about setting goals, culture squads, & overcoming silo syndrome

MIkhail Voloshin

This episode is the second part of Mark and Ben’s conversation with Allan Langer, an expert in the field of pricing and how to sell more by selling less. Ben asks Allan about the best ways to delegate some of the selling to other team members so you can focus on other things. Allan explains the importance of having a sales philosophy that can be easily enumerated, absorbed, and replicated by your team members.

He also says that even after this pandemic

Over and things go “back to normal”, Zoom will continue to be a vital resource and should replace any phone calls you were previously scheduling with your clients. Allan explains that most of the time when a client says “we’ll get back to you”, that either means that they are not the right person to make the decision or they are nervous about spending the money.

A client says

he second part of Mark and Ben’s conversation with Allan Langer, an expert in the field of pricing and how to sell more by selling less. Ben asks Allan about the best ways to delegate some of the selling to other team members so you.

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What’s a Rich Text element?

This episode is the second part of Mark and Ben’s conversation with Allan Langer, an expert in the field of pricing and how to sell more by selling less. Ben asks Allan about the best ways to delegate some of the selling to other team members so you can focus on other things. Allan explains the importance of having a sales philosophy that can be easily enumerated, absorbed, and replicated by your team members. He also says that even after this pandemic is over and things go “back to normal”, Zoom will continue to be a vital resource and should replace any phone calls you were previously scheduling with your clients. Allan explains that most of the time when a client says “we’ll get back to you”, that either means that they are not the right person to make the decision or they are nervous about spending the money.

Static and dynamic content editing

In order to make people feel more comfortable about making a purchase, Allan recommends some form of social proofing, showing them that other people “like them” have recently made this purchase or that you have helped a business just like theirs before. It also helps if you involve the client in the process, being upfront about your pricing from the beginning and allowing them to “build their own” product and choose which options are best for them. In your conversations with them, make sure you emphasize the value added and how your product or service will specifically help them, focusing on the return on their investment.

Some people might say that these strategies are manipulative because you are forming your strategy around the psychology of the human brain and how it has been proven to react to certain things. But all you are really doing is giving them what makes them feel better and improving their lives by getting the right thing in their hands. To learn more about Allan’s strategies, be sure to check out his book!

A rich text element can be

Some people might say that these strategies are manipulative because you are forming your strategy around the psychology of the human brain and how it has been proven to react to certain things. But all you are really doing is giving them what makes them feel better and improving their lives by getting the right thing in their hands. To learn more about Allan’s strategies, be sure to check out his book!

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